Monday 14 January 2008

My training diary

Below is data taken from my trainingpeaks software showing how much training i've been up to since the end of October when I started training for this season.

Bit complicated, but basically purple line shows the training "stress" averaged over the last few weeks, where as the blue line shows the average training "stress" over the previous month and a half. The yellow line is supposed to represent how fresh im feeling.

After using the turbo for pretty much the first time ever last week, and with the rubbish forecast for the next few days i've got a few interesting turbo sessions planned for this week.

This will include a maximal ramp test which I found on a website which I plan to do tomorrow morning, sounds tough!

This graph shows the distribution of my training into zones since I bought my Powertap.

From left to right these zones are:
AR Active Recovery
E Endurance
TE Tempo
TH Threshold
VM Vo2max
AC Anaerobic capacity

Calories burnt:

Hours spent cycling each week

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